Firmele de curatenie promoveaza curatenia in detaliu

///Firmele de curatenie promoveaza curatenia in detaliu

Firmele de curatenie promoveaza curatenia in detaliu

Bucuresti – 2 aprilie 2014

1Tot mai multe firme de curatenie promoveaza sloganul calitatii curateniei la cel mai bun pret. Curatenia profesionala, echipamentele de inalta tehnologie, personalul specializat, toate acestea vin in ajutorul firmei dvs. pentru a va oferi pachetul optim de servicii pentru nevoile de curatenie pentru birourile dvs.

Servicii de curatenie Bucuresti

Pe care dintre aceste devize ar trebui sa le credeti? Ati observat ca numeroase companii din industria curateniei au invadat piata cu oferte prea bune pentru a fi adevarate? Sunteti dezorientat? Iata cateva argumente care va vor directiona in alegerea unei firme de curatenie care sa va ofere curatenia in detaliu pentru firma pe care o conduceti.

Odata cu iesirea treptata de sub auspiciile crizei economice mondiale, tot mai multi antreprenori descopera ca in realitate este mai ieftin si mult mai eficient sa incredinteze responsabilitatea de a curata in detaliu birourile firmei. Contrar perceptiei, firmele economisesc resurse umane, materiale si mult timp prin externalizarea serviciilor de curatenie profesionala catre firmele specializate.

Au devenit tot mai cautate serviciile de curatenie in birouri, curatenie dupa targuri si evenimente sau curatenie in cabinete medicale. Aceasta pentru ca cativa jucatori de pe piata serviciilor de curatenie au stiut cum sa atraga clienti pe care sa ii fidelizeze.

Ofertele avantajoase ajuta firme de curatenie putin cunoscute sa incheie contracte pe care le onoreaza cu succes. Astfel reuseste o firma de curatenie sa arate clientilor sai ca o alegere corecta pentru serviciile auxiliare indispensabile companiei poate insemna un beneficiu real si important in mersul afacerii lor.

Nu trebuie sa plecati de la premisa ca sunteti asaltat de oferte mincinoase din partea firmelor de curatenie. In realitate, concurenta acerba determina firmele prestatoare de servicii sa incerce sa va castige increderea prin executarea impecabila a lucrarii incredintate. Este foarte important pentru firmele de curatenie sa va aduca beneficii, fie prin discounturi suplimentare, fie prin calitatea ireprosabila a curateniei in deteliu pe care o realizeaza.

Avand o experienta de 4 ani in domeniu, Ionel Ghita, directorul general al firmei de curatenie Piontani Services, confirma aceasta ipoteza: „Curatenia facuta de mantuiala de catre personalul prezent poate duce la rezilierea contractului. Personalul specializat in curatenie trebuie sa fie foarte bine calificat, si mai mult decat atat, sa se implice cu pasiune si daruire in munca prestata.”

Firma de curatenie Piontani Services este dispusa sa demonstreze potentialilor clienti darurirea fiecarui angajat pentru a atinge si chiar a depasi cele mai inalte standarde in rezultatele curateniei livrate clientilor. Astfel, directorul general Ionel Ghita isi sustine afirmatiile anterioare: „In general, Piontani Services nu pastreaza angajati care nu pun pasiune in ceea ce fac, pentru ca in cazul acestor persoane nu exista raport de calitate in serviciul realizat”.

In conditiile de concurenta asidua pe piata serviciilor de curatenie, firmele incearca sa convinga prin calitatea curateniei in detaliu efectuate minutios in fiecare coltisor al birourilor dvs. Dezvoltand un parteneriat pe termen lung, ele vor reusi in timp sa suplineasca discounturile pe care le ofera clientilor prin rulajul unor venituri stabile.


Cleaning firms promote thorough cleaning

Bucharest – the 2nd of April 2014

1More and more cleaning companies promote the slogan of quality cleaning at the best price. Professional cleaning, high technology equipment, specialized staff, all come to the help of your firm to offer the optimum package of services for the cleaning needs of your offices.

Cleaning services Bucharest

Which of these slogans should you trust? Did you notice that numerous companies in the cleaning industry have invaded the market with offers which are too good to be true? Are you confused? Here are some arguments which will guide you to choose the cleaning firm which will offer thorough cleaning for the firm that you manage.

Along with the gradual exit from the auspices of the global crisis, more and more entrepreneurs are discovering that it is actually cheaper and more efficient to delegate the responsibility of thorough office cleaning. Contrary to the perception, firms save human, material resources and more time by outsourcing the professional cleaning services to specialized firms.

Office cleaning, after fair and event cleaning or medical office cleaning services are increasingly sought. This is because some players on the market of the cleaning services knew how to attract clients and keep their loyalty.

Advantageous offers help less known cleaning firms to sign contracts which they successfully honor. This is how a cleaning firm succeeds in showing its clients that the right choice of the ancillary services indispensable to the company may represent a real and important benefit in the activity of their business.

You must not assume that you are being bombed with misleading offers coming from the cleaning firms. Actually, fierce competition causes service firms to try to gain your trust by impeccable execution of the entrusted job. It is very important for the cleaning firms to bring you benefits either via supplementary discounts, or the irreproachable quality of the thorough cleaning they provide.

With 4 years of experience in the field, Ionel Ghita, the general manager of the Piontani Services cleaning firm, confirms this hypothesis: “Sloppy cleaning performed by the present staff is likely to entail the termination of the contract. The staff specialized in cleaning must be very well qualified and, moreover, involve with passion and dedication in doing their job”.

The Piontani Services cleaning firm is willing to prove the potential clients the dedication of each employee to reach and even go over the highest standards for the results of the cleaning delivered to the clients.
Thus, the general manager Ionel Ghita supports the previous statements: “Generally, Piontani Services does not keep employees who do not put passion in what they do because in the case of these people there is no quality report in the performed service”.

In the conditions of assiduous competition on the market of cleaning services, firms are trying to persuade with the quality of thorough cleaning meticulously done in every small corner of your offices. By developing a long-term partnership, they will succeed in time to make up for the discounts they offer to the clients through the rollover of the stable revenue.
