Piontani Services sponsorizeaza tinerele talente

///Piontani Services sponsorizeaza tinerele talente

Piontani Services sponsorizeaza tinerele talente

Firma de curatenie Piontani Services se implica in viata comunitatii romanesti, incercand sa ajute pe cat posibil. Pana de curand, responsabilitatea sociala a firmei de curatenie a insemnat, in mare parte, sprijinul financiar al intregii comunitati din Valea Plopului.

Acum insa, Ionel Ghita, directorul executiv al companiei Piontani Services, a decis sa sprijine si adevaratele talente ale tarii.
“Implicarea sociala inseamna pentru noi sa putem oferi suport celor care au nevoie si merita cu adevarat”, spune el.

Reprezentanta Romaniei la finala acestei competitii mondiale din Croatia se remarca prin ambitie, talent, dar si o forma deosebita care se obtine in urma antrenamentelor istovitoare.

Pentru a putea sustine finala mondiala de dans a competitiei “European Star Dance Union”, Briana trebuie sa aiba asigurate transportul, cazarea si masa intr-un hotel din Croatia, dar si taxe de grup si indivuale pentru participarea la concurs.

Toate aceste cheltuieli depasesc 300 de Euro pentru cele 4 zile de competitie, iar parintii Brianei sunt nevoiti sa sustina financiar atat pregatirea permanenta prin antrenamente si costume, dar si costurile de participare la concursurile pentru care micuta se pregateste.

Afland de povestea tinerei balerine, Ionel Ghita, directorul executiv al firmei de curatenie Piontani Services, a ramas impresionat de ambitia si talentul micutei Briana.

“Este cu adevarat dificil pentru noua generatie de copii talentati sa se remarce in Romania si sa isi indeplineasca visul. Parintii acestora sunt deseori supusi unor eforturi financiare deosebite pentru a putea dezvolta si indruma talentul copiilor”.

De aceea, Ionel Ghita a decis sa sponsorizeze participarea micutei Briana Stanciu la finala mondiala de dans. Prin aceasta implicare, firma Piontani Services doreste sa traga un semnal de alarma oamenilor de bine din Romania, pentru a evita sa irosim talentul tinerelor sperante.

Daniel Stanciu, tatal Brianei, apreciaza foarte mult implicarea directorului executiv Ionel Ghita, care a sponsorizat practic participarea micutei balerine in finala. Cu siguranta, Briana beneficiaza de sansa de a se pregati in liniste pentru concursul de dans, ceea ce ofera o mare bucurie copilului si parintilor ei.

“Vreau sa va multumesc pentru generozitate, si sansa pe care o acordati copiilor romani talentati. Cuvintele nu pot exprima recunostiinta reala pe care o simtim fata de dumneavoastra pentru acest gest minunat”.

Copiii cu merite deosebite incearca sa se remarce in permanenta, dar, din pacate, sistemul deseori nu le permite sa isi demonstreze adevaratul potential. Este de mentionat faptul ca, de multe ori, nu se acorda un buget care sa permita sustinerea cheltuielilor copiilor in concursurile internationale.

In acest caz, parintii fac eforturi deosebite pentru a sustine cat se poate de mult activitatea copiilor lor si apreciaza cu adevarat un sprijin din exterior.

“Toate acestea au fost posibile gratie implicarii dumneavoastra de a ne sustine in aceasta competitie, si de aceea, vreau si doresc din tot sufletul ca aceasta colaborare sa continue, pentru ca impreuna sa putem motiva tinerele sperante si a aduce din nou zambetul lor pe buze”, spune domnul Daniel Stanciu, tatal Brianei.


Piontani Services sponsors young talents

The Piontani Services cleaning firm gets involved in the life of the Romanian community, trying to help as much as possible. Until recently, the social responsibility of the cleaning firm mostly consisted in the financial support for the entire community in Valea Plopului.

But now, Ionel Ghita, the general manager of the Piontani Services company, has decided to support the genuine talents of the country too.
“Social involvement means to us the ability to offer support to those who really need and deserve it”, he says.

The representative of Romania in the final of this world competition in Croatia stands out through ambition, talent and also an outstanding condition which results from exhausting training.

In order to take part in the dance world final of the “European Star Dance Union” competition, Briana must be provided transport, accommodation and meals in a hotel in Croatia, and also the group and individual participation fees.

All these expenses exceed 300 Euros for the 4 competition days, and Briana’s parents have to support financially both her permanent preparation through training and outfits, and the participation costs for all the contests for which the little girl is rehearsing.

On hearing the story of the young ballerina, Ionel Ghita, the general manager of the Piontani Services cleaning firm, was impressed with young Briana’s ambition and talent.

“It is indeed very difficult for the new generation of talented children to stand out in Romania and make their dreams come true. Their parents often make remarkable financial efforts to develop and guide their children’s talent.”.

This is why, Ionel Ghita has decided to sponsor young Briana Stanciu’s participation in the dance world final. Through this involvement, Piontani Services wishes to bring a warning into the Romanian good-hearted people’s attention to avoid waisting the talent of the hopeful.

Daniel Stanciu, Briana’s father, highly appreciates the involvement of the general manager Ionel Ghita, who has practically sponsored the young ballerina’s participation in the final. Briana certainly benefits from the chance to train in peace for the dance competition which offers great joy to the child and her parents.

“I want to thank you for your generosity and the chance that you give to the Romanian talented children. Words cannot express the genuine gratitude that we have for you for this wonderful gesture”.

Outstanding children are permanently trying to distinguish themselves but unfortunately, the system often prevents them from showing their real potential. It must be mentioned that many times there is no budget allotted to support the children’s expenses for the international competitions.

In this case, parents make extraordinary efforts to support as much as possible their children’s activity and really value help from external sources.

“All this was possible due to your involvement in our support for this competition, and this is why I want from all my heart a continuation of this collaboration so that together we can motivate the young talents and make them smile again”, says Mr Daniel Stanciu, Briana’s father.
