Piontani Services sprijina comunitatea din Valea Plopului

///Piontani Services sprijina comunitatea din Valea Plopului

Piontani Services sprijina comunitatea din Valea Plopului


Asociatia ProVita a fost fondata cu ajutorul parintelui Nicolae Tanase, paroh in satul Valea Plopului. Acesta este situat in apropiere de Valenii de Munte, iar comunitatea din Valea Plopului si Valea Screzii adaposteste persoanele aflate in dificultate.
Sub ocrotirea unui mediu in care oamenii isi ofera sprijin reciproc, traiesc laolalta cei fara adapost, mame singure, dar si copii abandonati sau orfani.

Aici, acestia au posibilitatea sa se integreze si sa interactioneze cu cei de varsta lor. De asemenea, sunt supravegheati si indrumati pentru a porni in viata.
Copiii traiesc in cele 56 de case din tabara sau sunt gazduiti in sat, beneficiand de supravegherea femeilor din sat. Cu timpul, parintele a reusit sa schimbe mentalitatea satenilor. Toata lumea ajuta, iar uneori primesc sprijin din afara, de la oamenii cu suflet mare.

In tabara, copiii primesc educatie, hrana si adapost. Si, cel mai important, invata sa fie oameni si sa se ajute intre ei. Cei mai mici merg la scoala, cei mai mari muncesc, iar viata isi urmeaza cursul firesc: unii se inscriu la facultate, altii se casatoresc si isi alcatuiesc propriile familii. Acestia sunt ajutati cu zestre sau pamant, pentru a avea un punct de pornire in noua viata de cuplu.

Unii copii sunt singuri, altii sunt ingrijiti de mame, dar cu totii invata de mici sa ajute si sa daruiasca. Si primul lucru cu care l-au cucerit pe Ionel Ghita, directorul firmei de curatenie Piontani Services, a fost chiar dragostea lor.

„De fiecare data ma impresioneaza felul in care ma asteapta! Cand afla ca ma duc sa ii vizitez, isi fac curat in camere si isi pun totul in ordine pentru primirea mea”

Atunci cand viziteaza comunitatea din Valea Plopului, echipa Piontani Services aduce mereu un zambet celor care il asteapta. Pe langa dragostea si sustinerea lor morala, copiii au nevoie si de unele produse necesare tuturor micutilor.

Echipa Piontani Services sustine munca parintelui Tanase si isi doreste sa ajute cu tot ce poate tabara din Valea Plopului.
Angajatii aduc daruri foarte utile pentru cresterea micutilor: produse de igiena si materiale pentru curatenie, servetele umede, scutece, haine, medicamente si lapte pentru cei mici.
Si cel mai important este ceea ce oglindeste privirea lor: „Ma bucura foarte mult cand vad fericirea pe chipurile lor si ma duc foarte des sa ii vizitez”, a declarat Ionel Ghita.
Piontani Services doreste sa incurajeze si alte companii sa ii urmeze exemplul! De asemenea, comunitatea din Valea Plopului poate beneficia si de ajutorul oamenilor cu posibilitati finaciare si cu un suflet mare.


Piontani Services supports the community in Valea Plopului


ProVita Association was founded with the help of priest Nicolae Tanase, the vicar of the Valea Plopului village. It is situated near Valenii de Munte, and the community in Valea Plopului and Valea Screzii shelters people in difficulty.
Under the protection of an environment where people offer mutual support, homeless people, single mothers and also abandoned or orphan children live together.

Here they have the possibility to integrate and interact with those of their age. Also, they are supervised and guided into their start in life. The children live in the 56 houses in the camp or are hosted in the village, benefiting from the monitoring of the women in the village. In time, the priest has succeeded in changing the villagers’ mentality. Everybody helps and sometimes they receive external help from good-hearted people.

In the camp children receive education, food and shelter. And, most importantly, they learn to be human and to help each other. The younger ones go to school, the older ones go to work, and life takes its natural course: some go to university, others get married and start their own families. The latter are helped with dower or land to have a point they can start from in their new family life.
Some children are alone, others are taken care of by their mothers, but they all learn from a small age to help and share. And the first thing that impressed Ionel Ghita, the general manager of the Piontani Services cleaning firm, was their love.

„They impress me every time with the way they wait for me! When they learn that I am visiting them, they clean their rooms and tidy everything to welcome me”

When he visits the community in Valea Plopului, the Piontani Services team always brings a smile to those waiting for it. Besides love and moral support, the children also need some products necessary for all the little ones.

The Piontani Services team supports priest Tanase’s work and wants to help as much as possible the camp in Valea Plopului.
The employees bring gifts whih are very useful for the little ones’ upbringing: toiletries and cleaning products, wet wipes, nappies, clothes, medicine and milk for the little ones.
And the most important aspect is what their eyes tell: “I am really happy when I see happiness on their faces and I often visit them”, stated Ionel Ghita.
Piontani services urges other companies to take its example! Also, the community in Valea Plopului can benefit from help coming from people with financial possibilities and big hearts.
